Technology Principles
The technological advantage of Mikroen Technology emanates from microwave irradiation of semi-conductive materials. Such approach allows for generation of an immense amount of energy in a very brief time interval via utilizing just a few watts of microwave power.
Seawater Desalination Via Microwave Enabled Distillation
The next global crisis might be related to water borne pathogens and a crucial question remains.
Fast Biomass and Organic Waste Pyrolysis
Intense Thermal Treatment Of Waste Waters Including Instantaneous Debacterification of Pathogen Infested Municipal Systems
Fast Flow Synthesis in Pharma and Chemistry
Generating the necessary process temperatures in seconds, resulting in excellent yields regardless of the residence time of the reactants.
Microwave Enabled Ultra High Temp Pyrolysis
Biomass, Agricultural & Organic Waste Gasification Via Microwave Enabled Ultra High Temp Pyrolysis
Hydrogen Generation from Metal Hydrides
In this framework Hydrogen represents one of cleanest energy sources on the planet.
Sea Water Mining of Rare Metals
Sea Water Mining is far More Environmentally Friendly Compared to Land Mining
Industrial Wastewater Treatment
It is estimated that about 80% of global waste waters are discharged untreated into environment